Sleep Apnea Treatment Easton

Achieving Better Sleep with Effective Solutions

Do you snore? Do you struggle to wake up feeling refreshed? Do you feel like you lack the energy to do your job well? It may be that you are suffering from sleep apnea. With more than 22 million people experiencing the symptoms associated with snoring and sleep apnea, it can have a devastating impact on your daily life. At Easton Dental Specialists, we want to change all of that by providing custom oral appliances to help you achieve better rest. So, call us today to learn more about sleep apnea treatment in Easton.

Woman in bed glaring at snoring man next to her who needs sleep apnea treatment

Why Choose Easton Dental Specialists for Sleep Apnea Treatment?

  • Custom Oral Appliances from Glidewell Labs
  • Trusted Dental Specialists with Decades of Experience
  • Step-by-Step Instruction for Optimal Results


The Dangers & Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

Man in driver seat of car covering his mouth while yawning

While millions of people are living with sleep apnea, a majority of them do not realize they have a significant problem. Unfortunately, many of the symptoms are commonly misdiagnosed or neglected, resulting in worsening overall health as time passes.

Without proper treatment, sleep apnea can develop into more than just the inability to achieve a full night’s rest, it can also create problems that appear in your personal and professional life.

Some of the most common symptoms associated with sleep apnea include:

  • Loud snoring
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Morning headaches
  • Inability to focus/concentrate
  • Moodiness
  • Lack of libido
  • Forgetfulness
  • Obesity
  • Inability to function/perform duties at work
  • Mouth breathing
  • Sudden gasping or choking on air throughout the night

Noticing any of these symptoms should lead you to seek the help of a professional. Otherwise, you might face more dangerous situations, such as:

  • Drowsy driving
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • High blood pressure
  • Cardiovascular disease

Oral Appliance Therapy

Dentist holding light purple oral appliance tray

Instead of resorting to CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) therapy, you can inquire about a customized oral appliance. Made by Glidewell Labs, these specialized devices are worn while you sleep, allowing your jaw to shift slightly forward and keep your airway open. Instead of worrying about your soft tissues falling back onto your airway, it will remain unobstructed so that you can finally get the rest you need.