Prosthodontist Easton

Get to Know
Dr. Moftah

Easton prosthodontist Moftah El Ghadi D M D F A G C

Dr. El-Ghadi has been serving the Easton community as a skilled prosthodontist for well over two decades now, and the love and passion he has for his work will be evident from your very first appointment. His patients place a great deal of trust in him to deliver predictable, beautiful results, and being able to lead them on that journey is always rewarding. They become a part of his dental family for life! If you would like to learn more about him, just continue reading below.

Watch My Story
Doctor El Ghadi talking to interviewer in dental office

Why Did You Decide to Become a Prosthodontist?

Dr. El-Ghadi was actually very close to becoming a PhD candidate in chemistry! It was his major in college, and he loved it; however, what he DIDN’T love was the research atmosphere. He’s more of an extrovert by nature, while many scientists and researchers lean more introverted. Around this time, one of his best buddies from home (whose dad was Dr. El-Ghadi’s dentist) had just graduated from dental school and returned to town to work with his dad. He asked him to hang out at the office a few times a month during the summer to see if dentistry would interest him more. After seeing his first tooth extraction, Dr. El-Ghadi was hooked! He showed up every day that summer to learn and gain experience, and he knew right away that he’d found the perfect direction for himself in life.

Do what’s best. Be able to rest your head on the pillow every night knowing you did the best you could for those that entrusted you with their care."

Moftah El-Ghadi, DMD

Where Did You Study Dentistry
and Prosthodontics?

Harvard University building and logo
University of Pennsylvania school and logo

Dr. El-Ghadi achieved his dental doctorate at the University of Pennsylvania. Following graduation, he pursued his General Practice Residency at Harvard School of Dental Medicine, followed by the completion of his prosthodontics certificate at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine. Today, he has been a board-certified prosthodontist for well over a decade, which is a designation that less than 1% of all prosthodontists ever achieve. He also works as a part-time clinical instructor in the Department of Post Graduate Prosthetics at the Tufts University School of Dental Medicine.

Read Dr. El-Ghadi’s CV

Continuing education is a big passion for Dr. El-Ghadi. He has studied at the Pierre Fauchard Academy and is certified in laser dentistry, specifically the Solea laser that he and his team regularly use here at the office. He is also a proud member of the following organizations:

The American Board of Prosthodontics logo American College of Prosthodontists logo Academy of Osseointegration logo Massachusetts Dental Society logo

Outside of the Dental Office,
What Do You Like to Do?

Boat on the water

Dr. El-Ghadi met his wife, Anna, in dental school, and they have three children. Alex is an outstanding student in high school and a club soccer player, Sophia is an excellent student who is currently on a dance competition team that travels statewide, and Olivia is a fantastic student who also enjoys being a competitive dancer. It’s constant chaos at the El-Ghadi house, but he wouldn’t have it any other way! Thankfully, his dad lives nearby and helps out as a personal chauffeur for the kids. His mom, who died of COVID-related complications in 2020, was the glue that held the family together, and she will always be missed dearly.

With three kids, most of Dr. El-Ghadi’s free time outside of work is occupied by various sports and dance-related activities. But if he has a moment to himself, he really enjoys golfing, both outside and inside the house (although ever since a cabinet ended up broken, his wife doesn’t allow that anymore). He finds it very relaxing after a long day! He also likes to read non-fiction, play the stock market, and simply absorb new information.