Cosmetic Dentist Easton

Your Smile Deserves an Upgrade

What is most important, the health or aesthetics of your smile? While our team at Easton Dental Specialists will argue that living life with a set of teeth and gums that are free of decay and disease is most important, we know that you care about the look of your appearance as well. Guess what? So do we. This is why we provide many different cosmetic dentistry options to help give your smile the upgrade it deserves. Call us today to discover how we can revamp your aesthetics using veneers, metal-free restorations, teeth whitening, and more options for cosmetic dentistry in Easton.

Woman leaning back in dental chair and smiling after cosmetic dentistry in Easton

Why Choose Easton Dental Specialists for Cosmetic Dentistry?

  • Brighter Teeth with Custom Take-Home Whitening Kits
  • Carefully Crafted Crowns That Look and Feel Natural
  • Digital Impressions for Mess-Free Restoration Creation



Illustrated veneer being placed over the front of a tooth

If you’re unhappy with your smile because of its many tooth chips, stains, cracks, gaps, misshapen teeth, misaligned teeth, and discoloration, you’re not alone. With custom veneers, though, we can take these thin sheaths and cover the imperfection(s) with ease. Planned, created, and placed in just two appointments, we can deliver a more permanent cosmetic dentistry solution that can last 10-15 years with high-quality care and maintenance.

Metal-Free Dental Restorations

Close up of dental patient with dental mirror in their mouth

Teeth that require protection because of previous decay or damage do not have to be evident to those around you. Instead, you can opt for a more subtle and blended solution – metal-free restorations. Using EMAX, zirconia, and feldspathic porcelain to craft them, our dental crowns offer maximum protection and function while also delivering a new and improved appearance that entices others to see your beautiful smile, not your dental work.

Direct Bonding

Dental patient having an ultraviolet light shone on their tooth

If time is of the essence, direct bonding can be a great way to quickly cover a minor flaw. Small tooth chips or stains do not necessarily need veneers. Instead, our team can use a composite resin that is color-matched and placed onto the tooth enamel. Sculpted to cover the imperfection, no one will ever know that you received cosmetic dentistry treatment, and you can walk out of your same-day appointment with a new and improved appearance. With optimal care, you can expect your direct bonding to last a few years before it needs to be replaced.

At-Home Teeth Whitening

Person placing teeth whitening gel into a dental tray

There are countless over-the-counter teeth whitening kits available at your local drugstore but unfortunately, they will not deliver the kind of results you desire. This is why you can entrust your pearly whites to our team of specialists. Using Phillips Zoom and Opalescence Go to brighten smiles, we can equip you with take-home whitening kits that will have you seeing whiter teeth in just two weeks!

Invisalign Clear Aligners

Smiling woman holding an Invisalign clear aligner

Straighter teeth allow for healthier smiles, but metal brackets and wires may not be the preferred treatment of choice. Instead, you can realign your teeth with the help of Invisalign clear aligners. Made of clear, smooth plastic, these custom-made trays gently shift your teeth into proper alignment over the course of 12-18 months, on average. With less irritation, discomfort, and embarrassment, you can enjoy treatment without compromising your appearance.

Learn More About Invisalign

Digital Imaging

Cosmetic dentist and patient looking at digital images of teeth on screen

If you’re interested in seeing what your smile will look like when treatment is complete, you don’t have to wait until the end. Instead, our team can use digital imaging software to produce an image of your teeth and gums after one or more treatments are applied. This will eliminate any fears or uncertainties you might have about cosmetic dentistry.

Gum Recontouring

Illustrated mouth with uneven gumline

If you are tired of feeling self-conscious about your smile because of the excess gum tissue that creates what is known as a “gummy smile,” you’re in luck. With gum recontouring, we can use our specialized dental laser to carefully remove this excess tissue to create an even and uniform gumline that looks beautiful. Apart from the boost in confidence you’ll receive, you can also enjoy a reduced risk of gum disease as well.

Smile Makeovers

Dental patient looking at his smile in mirror

Smile makeovers are typically reserved for those with multiple imperfections to their teeth and/or gums. Instead of performing two, three, or four individual treatments, we can streamline the approach so that everything is completed cohesively, allowing for a more beautiful smile that looks, feels, and functions like new.